IFSA (International Federation of Starch Associations) was founded International dialogue and cooperation started in the starch industry with the International Federation of Starch Associations, of which Turkey is also a founding member.
Established by the national starch associations representing the starch industry in the USA, Turkey, Europe, Mexico, Russia and China, the International Federation of Starch Associations (IFSA) started its activities. The International Federation of Starch Associations, in which Turkey is represented by the Starch
Manufacturers Association (NISAD), will provide international dialogue and cooperation between starch associations and unions.
Founded to encourage strong dialogue and coordination in the world starch industry and develop common policies, the International Federation of Starch Associations (IFSA) will focus primarily on communication activities on health and nutrition, workplace safety, sustainability, product safety and environmental relations, and the benefits of starch-based products. IFSA also aims to act as the single platform to communicate with international stakeholders such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and CODEX.
NISAD Secretary General İsmail Kemaloğlu, who made statements regarding the establishment of IFSA, said, “As NISAD, we aim to follow the developments in our sector with IFSA, of which we are one of the founding members, to see what is happening in the world in public issues such as health, environment and nutrition, to follow international opportunities more closely and to take sectoral steps that may benefit our country.”
Emphasizing that the starch industry is a dynamic sector in Turkey and in the world, Kemaloğlu continued, “Through these formations, we hope that the innovations in the world, technological and innovation-based business developments, sectoral collaborations, and areas that we attach great importance to such as human health, nutrition and the environment will be evaluated on behalf of the sector at an international level. Gathering all starch industrialists in our country under a single roof, NISAD will try to provide the best service to the sector and our country by strengthening its national and international collaborations.”
You can visit www.internationalstarch.org for more information.