
TGDF Board of Presidents Meets

Federation of Food and Drink Industry Associations of Turkey (TGDF) met in Istanbul on January 15 at the Board of Presidents. Economist Fatih Keresteci, participating in the program as a guest speaker, shared important information about “Turkey’s Economy in the Light of Global Developments and Developments for Financial Markets.” Referring to the stagnation in the

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Agricultural Credit Cooperatives of Turkey and Starch Manufacturers Association Sign Cooperation and Goodwill Protocol on Purchase and Sale of Maize

Starch Manufacturers Association (NISAD), which gathers all of the starch industrialists under a single roof, and Agricultural Credit Cooperatives, which meet the agricultural needs of their nearly 1 million farmer partners and provide purchase guarantee for their products, signed a cooperation and goodwill protocol for contracted production on the purchase and sale of maize. General

Agricultural Credit Cooperatives of Turkey and Starch Manufacturers Association Sign Cooperation and Goodwill Protocol on Purchase and Sale of Maize Read More »

IFSA (International Federation of Starch Associations) was founded

IFSA (International Federation of Starch Associations) was founded International dialogue and cooperation started in the starch industry with the International Federation of Starch Associations, of which Turkey is also a founding member. Established by the national starch associations representing the starch industry in the USA, Turkey, Europe, Mexico, Russia and China, the International Federation of

IFSA (International Federation of Starch Associations) was founded Read More »

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